Up Mount San Jacinto

This is an aerial view of the Coachella Valley looking southeast from near the top of Mount San Jacinto.

Palm Springs is located in the part of the valley that's on the bottom left of your screen.

Anyone who pays around $30 can see the valley from this perspective by riding on the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, or the "tram."


  1. Nice shot. I like the view from up there. I suppose the highway shown is the one that could take you all the way back to Tucson?

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. The moon is gone.

    She fled as dawn approached.

    Dawn as a slowly opening eye.

    White sea birds skimming over the water,

    looking for an early morning snack.

    The mirror brightens.

    From a blood moon at dawn to a mirror

    reflecting waking life...


    I woke her to take the moon.

    Her campaign was swift and terrible.

    Metallic and fierce.

    Glaring up in the twilight.

    But the moon was both implacable and unreachable

    and in the end the war against the moon failed.

    As dawn rose slowly from her bed, the moon slipped away.

    But in the end, all that was lost,

    was a little sleep....


    1 June 2007

    Burning Moon

    Moon Fire

    Blood Moon

    smoked Moon

    Smoky Moon

    Smouldering Moon


    4 June 2007

    After the storm, my mine cleared.

    And a high wind arose and blew the tropics north.


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