Sonny Bono

Seven Lucky Questions Answered about our Former Mayor, Sonny Bono

Who was Sonny Bono?
Sonny sang with Cher in the 1960's. The group was called "Sonny and Cher."

What was a song they sang?
They sang "I Got You Babe," among many other hits.

When was Sonny mayor of Palm Springs?
Sonny was mayor of Palm Springs in the mid 1980s

What happened to Sonny after he became mayor?
Sonny went on to be elected to Congress.

Where is Sonny Bono now?
Sonny died in the 1990s.

How did Sonny die?
Sonny died when he hit a tree while sking.

Who replaced Sonny in Congress.
Sonny Bono's third wife, Mary Bono, replaced her husband in Congress after he died.
